Cathy and I taught Serial, using what I wrote on this post as a guide. I wanted to share one of my student's argument whiteboards and one of Cathy's students.
The first example is from my class. My students were relatively new to argument whiteboards. As you can see, this student is using some justification, but it's still not fully developed. In fact, she has a little more summary than I would hope to see. While I think she chose a question that is definitely worth considering and her ideas are good, I am not sure she has sufficient explanation to justify her claim.
Cathy's student is one who had worked with argument whiteboards for over a year.
The second part of the example shows the more complex thinking with positing of what MIGHT be the case. The question she examined is entirely debatable and moot, and yet the evidence is not quite strong enough to make a solid case which makes this an interesting exercise in justification.